The library is open from 8:00-5:00 Monday-Thursday. We are open 8:00-4:30 on Fridays.
Who are the librarians?

Is there a fine for late books?
Yes, there is a fine of 25 cents per book per day. Each book will not earn a fine of more than $2.50 total. You will not be allowed to check out any books if you have overdue books or a fine on your account.
I lost my ID.
You will need to see Mrs. Pouster between the hours of 9-5. Good news! Your first ID replacement is free. After that, it's $3 each.
The computer won't let me log on.
You will need to see Mrs. Pouster between the hours of 9-5. She can reset your password for you.My email won't work.
You will need to see Coach Harrison (the baseball coach) to fix this. His office is all the way past the counselors' offices, at the back of the building on the first floor.
Do I need a pass to come to the library?
Yes. Even during lunch. If you know ahead of time that you would like to visit us during lunch, we give out passes here at the library until 8:50. (That's the bell for first period). Otherwise, you will need a pass from a teacher.
Other Services:
You can borrow a calculator from the library at no charge. They are $1.00 a day if they are late and $100, plus a $2.50 processing fee if they are lost.
We sell all sorts of other school supplies, including:
Cap erasers....10¢
CD-R disks....50¢
Clear front report covers....75¢
Composition book...$1.00
Construction paper....10¢
Envelops, letter size....10¢
Glue sticks....50¢
Index cards....25¢ to 25 (3x5 or 4x6)
Manila envelopes(9x12)....50¢
Pocket folder....50¢
Poster board....50¢
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