This realistic fiction novel, I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak, puts a new, more down to Earth twist on guardian angels. The story is of a simple Australian bettering himself through helping others, but he doesn’t get to choose who he helps. His name is Ed; he is chosen to become a messenger. Ed is sent aces in the mail, telling him where he is needed. It is his job to find out who has to receive the news or how he is to help them. Through each ace, he gets better and learns more about himself. He learns that just because his life doesn’t seem to be going anywhere doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. He is worthy of great things.
What I loved about this book is the well-understood struggles everyone faces in life, that there are some that can’t be fought alone. It is one of those books that take a little bit to set the scene, but afterwards, you are hooked. It had a great relaxed tone that I think anyone around the teen age years would enjoy. There is a copy in the DHS library. Go and get your message.
Reviewed by Virginia G.
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